Over The Hill If You ...
By ?
This is a fun game to play once a week for the first few weeks in order to get to know one another a little better. Place enough chairs in a circle to accomodate everyone in your advisory except for yourself. Stand in the middle and make a statement that is true of yourself such as "Over the Hill if you like to waterski." or "Over the hill if you have a dog", or "Over the Hill if you like shopping at Forever Young" or whatever it may be. Everyone for whom that statement is true must get up and move in order to trade seats. The person in the middle should try to take the seat of someone else who is moving. Whoever is left without a seat is then in the middle and must make a statement that is true of him or herself in the same fashion. You may need to give a few suggestions of types of things they can say like favorite foods or colors, places they have been, number of siblings, places they have lived, favorite activities, etc.
It worked very well with my advisory and they enjoyed it alot. They would ask to do it again. After a few times, however, they began to run out of things to say. I did bring it back in once or twice later on in the year.
Materials: chairs in a circle
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